
Holy City Church desires to model the early church, particularly in how the early church devoted themselves to the teaching of the Scriptures and observing the Lord’s Supper in the corporate worship gathering (Acts 2:42).
In our corporate worship gathering, you’ll find a variety of ages, styles of dress, and expressions of worship from our culturally-diverse church family. With many members and visitors coming from different “church experiences,” we are united in our aim to worship and exalt our common Savior, Jesus Christ. We strive for congregational unity, not uniformity, that is marked by genuine Christian love.
At Holy City Church, we are building a community from all cultures where Christ is King!

Holy City Church desires to model the early church, particularly in how the early church devoted themselves to the fellowship of the saints in and through the local church (Acts 2:42).
The primary context for our fellowship is the corporate worship gathering on Sunday morning. We also understand, however, that Christian fellowship is necessary both when the local church is gathered on Sunday and when the local church is scattered throughout the week in individual homes, workplaces, and schools.
In order to help facilitate this vital Christian fellowship throughout the week, Holy City offers members and visitors to gather together in small groups in the area. Anyone is welcome to attend a small group for good fun, food, and fellowship in the gospel!

Holy City Church desires to model the early church, particularly in how the early church devoted themselves to prayer together (Acts 2:42).
The primary context for Holy City’s prayer efforts is the corporate worship gathering on Sunday morning. We also gather to pray in our Sunday morning prayer gathering to pray for our missionaries, ministry partners, gospel efforts in Charleston, and for one another. We pray together because God alone can advance His church and our God acts when we pray.
We have the ready and willing audience of the King of Kings, so why wouldn’t we fervently pray down heaven?